
It has emotionally affected me personally as Luyanda’s mom having to move my son from Little Leaps. Everyone at Little Leaps has become family, loved ones, especially as they have taken a personal interest in my son. He was not just one of their students but their son as well.

When Luyanda started he was very behind in his development but in less than three months I saw a difference, now he leads the family in prayer before every meal, he is so confident and full of life. He is sure of himself and always ready to offer help to his pears, a quality he got from Little Leaps, his Independents. With Little Leaps I found hope and I know God really has Angels that live on earth as I found them and they showed me miracles do happen.

Thank you Ashley, Anne, Lauren, Kelly and Everyone else, tolerates his singing.

We will always be part of your family.

Daniel was diagnosed with ASD-nonverbal and started attending Little Leaps in the last few months of 2013 where he was welcomed with open arms.  I’ll never forget his first reaction when I opened the gate – he ran right in and didn’t look back!

Over the next few years, he grew in so many ways, enjoying every day at school.  The therapists, teachers and helpers at Little Leaps gave him the greatest platform to grow and develop to the bright, adaptable, smart and very much verbal kid he is today.  We were always able to be in direct contact with Daniel’s teacher and school principle, and accurate, detailed feedback was always at our fingertips as they made themselves available for any conversation we ever wanted or needed. 

Every term ended on a very high note and I was always excited to get Daniels report!  The report always amazed me as I could see his progress in greatest of detail.  It also reflected the love and care that the teacher had for him.

Now, our Daniel will be turning 7 in 2016 and has gone on to his next level of schooling fit for his age.  He is well equipped thanks to Little Leaps, who have set a very high standard of education and growth for the rest of his school career.

We are so very grateful for all that Little Leaps has achieved in Daniel and know that the foundation he received there, will have a hugely positive effect on him for the rest of his life.

I have and will always recommend anyone to join the family at this school!

Our son Deqlan had the privilege of attending Little leaps from 2010 through to 2015 . It was an amazing 6 years which we will always treasure and be grateful for . The teachers at little leaps truly became part of pur family - their love , dedication and passion to help Deqlan is something we will always be thankful for .

Deqlan grew and developed in leaps and bounds under their care . Little leaps is so much more then a school - it's a home away from home where the children our loved and nurtured and guided . I have and will continue to recommend families to definitely consider little leaps for their precious children , you are in safe , loving, Christian hands .

Dear All, my son Agbo started at little leaps in 2007 after been moved from one crèche to the other with each one telling me they could not cope with a special needs child. You can imagine my despair. I was a medical doctor but had no prior knowledge of what Autism really was.

I was introduced to the school by a friend and the minute I walked in i realized this was the right place for my son I had tears in my eyes as Ashley took me round. Within one year of his stay he was toilet trained and could now sit at the table to eat. Agbo came back to little leaps in march after a short stay at other schools due to the fact that Ashley could  not afford to start a primary school. We rushed back after she started this year. The results have been phenomenal . My son is writing and counting numbers now and is continually making big strides.  Thank you Ashley and Ayline and all the wonderful staff at liitle leaps may God continue to guide and protect you all. And for all the wonderful sponsors that help Little leaps continue to make a difference.

Thank you and Thank you again. May God reward you all a thousand fold. Your contribution is making life a lot easier for parents like me who will be living with Autism for the rest of our lives. We  cannot thank you all enough.Stay blessed.

Constance Agbo-Little Leaps parent.

It is with great pleasure that I write this testimonial for Little Leaps School for Autism. The School is truly our child’s ‘home away from home’. Ethan gained so much self-confidence since he’s joined the school in 2011. From a little boy who barely communicated and socialized with other children, to a happy, young and confident individual who cannot wait to get to school every day.

The staff managed to prepare Ethan with the special and academic skills needed as he made the transition from preschool to ‘Big School’. Previously when Ethan was in different schools we only use to hear what he could not do. Now we only hear what Ethan can do, how wonderful he is, how talented he is. When there is something he needs to work on, this is communicated lovingly with him as well as with us. It seems to me that when Ethan found a school that believed in his abilities – like we believed in him all the time, Ethan started living up to his potential. This is exactly what we as parents wanted for our child.

When we arrive to collect Ethan at school, the staff make time to tell us the details about our child’s day – what friend he may have played with, adorable little details, new skills learnt and simply just the kind of day our child had. Ethan’s teacher has a book she use to document all the wonderful things he says or does during the day. This to us as parents is precious.

The principle, Ashley Wagner, truly cares, and she has very successfully created an environment of excellence with dedicated staff members. Children are treated, without exception, with kindness and respect, each child is made to feel so valued and important. 

The team at Little Leaps live up to an excellence that I feel would not be easily found within the childcare industry.

I cannot thank Little Leaps and the staff enough for everything they’ve done, not only for Ethan, but also for us as a family.

Kind Regards

Martie Labuschagne

I've seen The Key School go down because of lack of funds. If people were more aware, they would've understood the importance of such schools. They are so few and children are being diagnosed with Autism daily. My child, Georgie, is now well placed at Little Leaps.. Its a well organised school with a great atmosphere. I know he's in good hands..I want to see him grow at this school.


This is only a small measure as what I can say thank you to what you and your team mean to us:

Little Leaps helped to connect deeply with Jonathan on how to relate to others, and understand human interaction and how he initiates communication and interaction with friends and teachers and adults alike.  You helped him how to communicate, he was as frustrated and upset as no one knew what he wanted, and look at the joy we have with him now, he realizes how needed communication is in order to get what he wants.  You have broadened his vocabulary dramatically and look at the trill he gets when he tells and exiting story.

His improvements have had a significant impact on the whole family. We can go to a restaurant or movies without major tantrums or him disappearing. In the past, we have come home from family vacations just because Jonathan was overwhelmed by new surroundings and constantly wandered off to our greatest distress.

Now Jonathan and I go on a Saturday morning outings to the mall where he happily walks with me (no running off) buying a toy and breakfast at Wimpy.

Your team has not just taught Jonathan but also us as a family on how to deal with the day to day problems.

Autism has made our family’s journey one that extends beyond mere survival. This journey can be very isolating and lonely for the child as well as the family. With the help off Little Leaps, we now have hope and the ability to thrive as we live with this challenging, yet remarkable condition.  My thanks to this wonderful team, which cannot be measure in any way?  It is so difficult to even begin and try to explain to anyone what this life changing journey is without any help and especially help from Little Leaps. (MY ANGELS)

From the bottom of our hart

Thank you for everything

Dianne Prinsloo and family

At Little Leaps School for Autism my 5-year old daughter is in a classroom with approximately 7 students, 1 assistant and 1 qualified teacher. This enables her to receive the individualized attention she needs. The special and individualized attention that my daughter has received in Little Leaps; she has grown in so many ways during her first year i.e. academically, socially, personally, etc.

Within a short time after starting at Little Leaps, things began to change. With the wonderful environment at the school, the staff's multi-sensory approach, and the close collaboration between teachers and specialists, I see my daughter begin to flourish.

It's exciting to see that my daughter has made very good progress in many areas while at Little Leaps. Most importantly, she likes to go to school, and has become interested in learning.

I have been struggling to potty train my daughter for more than 3 years but Little Leaps have made a huge improvement on this issue; within 1 month period she was perfectly potty trained.

Little Leaps normally send a detailed and professional school report on a quarterly basis which can be used during my daughter’s medical consultation. Even the medical specialists (Paediatric Neurologist, GP) outside the school environment have commented positively on the progress my daughter has made within a year. 

Really we are very impressed with Little Leaps School for Autism!!!!



As parents of Keatlegile Makgata we are very pleased with the progress that the boy has made over the three weeks he has been with the Little Leaps School. Although it is still work in progress and probably a long way to go in terms on ensuring that Kea is able to do basics right, we are pleased that he is able to initiate reading and counting, although it only lasts for a short while.

We would like to thank all the staff at the little leaps for all the hard work and especially to those teachers who are focusing on our little boy on day to day basis. Keep up the good work and may you find the strength and further resources to help other kids in similar position.



My name is Michael and my son was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 3.There are so many positive changes that I have seen on my son since I took him to Little Leaps this year, My son couldn't concentrate, he could not even wave goodbye. It is only 8 months at Little leaps but now he can even take instruction at home to go and fetch or put something in the kitchen. The speech is a bit of concern but I am happy with the overall progress so far.

Thank you.

Michael Mutshinya

Dane has been with Little Leaps for only 3 weeks.....and what a blessing! Ongoing searches for an appropriate school has left us as parents devastated. Other institutions just never really felt like "home". The structured environment, special attention each child receives, dedication, love, advise and of course strong Christian principles are ingredients our special little ones need and that is exactly what is applied here at Little Leaps. We thank God daily for sending us in this direction. Take it from us, parents with a 7-year old autistic son that have been searching for a school for more than 2 years, this is where your child must be.

Rene and Martin

Oh my ...Where do I begin? 6 months ago Tumisho couldn't speak properly, he didn't understand any type of instruction couldn't do most of the things 2yr olds do, blocked his ears, tantrums I can go on and on. Now he is completely the opposite of all the things mentioned above, he now understands the world around him. When he says Mama or Papa he knows who he's referring to, he calls his brother by the name. Can say a sentence "eat your food" and lot of other words. 

Little Leaps has changed our little boy's life and ours, he looks forward to go to crèche every morning.  We would like to express our gratitude to the teachers, Therapists, Principal Ashley, assistants and everyone involved in our child's life at school. May you continue to care, love and help our little ones to be the best that they can be and for them to be independent young boys and girls.

We thank you once more from the bottom our hearts. 

God Bless You All.

The Sethogos

Ever since Luyanda started going to Little leaps we have made great strides as a family, but Luyanda has visibly grown in her achievements and aspirations. Its, been great having people who care and understand, who love your child and join her but also request her to do things in a fun way.

Thank you for teaching and taking care of Enrico. It was the best four years of his and our lives. He has come so far because of Little Leaps and its staff. I’ll never forget your kindness, love, advice and understanding. Thanks for being there through the tough times and good times. God picked you all to take care of our special angel. You’ll always be in our hearts and minds. Everywhere we go we’ll keep your name high. Thank you for everything.

Love Van Der Schyffs

From the very first day our son started at Little Leaps,  we felt at home and part of the family. Deqlan has been showered with love , support and guidance and has been given the tools to soar beyond our expectations. I delight in collecting him every day , because I know I am going to hear what progress has been made that day . Our family relocated to Durban last year , and we just couldn’t find anything as amazing as Little Leaps is, and have made the sacrifice to live in two different provinces, so that our son, can once again thrive at the school he loves. We are blessed to have him in the junior primary class , we are blessed to have the most amazing teacher and assistant. Thank You Little leaps for 4 amazing years, we cant wait to see what giant leaps Deqlan will continue to take with you!

Dear Little leaps

I just want thank all the personnel and staff members for making such a difference to my child's life. After trying out many schools and shedding many tears we are blessed that we came across your school. For the first time my child feels worthy. We appreciate the effort, excellent communication, continuous feedback, advice, hard work, individual attention, honesty, teamwork and great spirit. The progress our child has made since he has been part of the school is amazing. Your positive contribution towards our child's education and self image gives us much hope for his future.

Best wishes

Mr and Mrs van Aarde

Luyanda Phoenix Zuma was born on the 04 December 2006. He is the only child. He is a vibrant energetic young boy, he was diagnosed with Autism in 2012, when he was diagnosed he had no speech, he had to learn to say simple things like “Mom”, “Dad”. He started Little Leaps this year and his speech has improved drastically.

He is more verbal, plays with other children in parks his overall social behaviour has improved.

When he gets home he greets: “Hello Mom, Hello Dad.” It feels like a dream.

When he is leaving a room for the day he says “Goodbye everybody.” My son has full sentences.  speech is not of a 6year old but every word he says is a miracle to me.

I don’t know how Ashely and her staff do it, a smile for every child and you can see in the child that they are looking forward to going to school, no morning fights. I’m proud to say my baby is going to grade R next year and I’m looking forward to shopping for Gray shorts and Toughees.

Constance Songelwa

To Little Leaps:

I must take this time to express my sincere gratitude to Little Leaps for enhancing my son’s life

It is exciting to see my 8 year old son Luphawu doing things i never dreamed he could do.    Little Leaps has brought happiness and a purpose to our lives.

When he started at Little Leaps in 2012 he was 5 years old, his speech was not normal, he could hardly make a sentence but now he speaks fluently, he can read, he can even speak our home language IsiXhosa, thanks to the class assistants.

Little Leaps has even improved his behavior, he even teaches us as a family on how to have manners.

He now fully understands that he has a responsibility of doing his homework, helps with the house chores, bath, dress & feed himself.

We have recently relocated to Cape Town and I had to take him to Cape Town special needs schools for assessments. For a child with Autism everybody was so impressed with his behavior, his reading skills, his speech and the way he co-operates.

Thank you Ashley for taking Luphawu into your hands. Little Leaps has and will always be in our hearts. Thank you to all Little Leaps teachers and assistants for their hard work and making sure that our kids are safe, secured and loved.


Nomfundo Ralante


Our son Rayhan was diagnosed with moderate Autism in May 2015 at the age of 3. Before his diagnosis he was attending a mainstream school which became very stressful for him and for us so we were referred to Little Leaps by a friend. We visited the school and received a warm welcome and tour from Ann. We instantly felt a sense of belonging for Rayhan and we experienced a sense of relief as parents of an autistic child because Ann understood our dilemma and knew exactly what course of action was required for Rayhan........to be completely honest, after meeting Ann and visiting the school, I actually hoped that his diagnosis was Autism and nothing else just so he could attend Little Leaps and put my heart and mind at peace.

When he started he had no speech and was a little delayed in age appropriate development. In only a few months at the school he was toilet trained, started looking at us when we called out to him, he started following instructions and was just enjoying every single day at school. With the guidance of the schools therapists, Pat and Danita, he has made massive improvements. Our teachers and their assistants at Little Leaps are such dedicated, dynamic and positive young women and Rayhan has had the privilege of being with Tina, Logan and now Kelly. The staff and principal of Little Leaps will give you nothing less than pure dedication and excellence......and with their open door policy you will always feel at ease to approach them. Their admin is also handled with great efficiency by Natasha.

What I admire the most is the effort the school makes to try and make our kids schooling experience as normal as possible by having field trips, extra-murals and most heartfelt for me is their annual concert that is held on their Family day........a very special day for all our parents where we see the effort that Lauren and her team makes to let us make those precious memories.

After his two years at Little leaps Rayhan is more self confident, much more independent, more fun loving which comes with a bit of mischief that is so age appropriate. Also, he is more eager to learn so we can work so much more with developing him at home and he is much more adaptable to different situations now. I do believe that he will definitely gain his speech before the  dreaded time comes for him to leave this school!

Little Leaps is most definitely the home away from home for our kids and I would like to give a heart full thanks to the Little Leaps family.......you have been a tower of strength for my family and I !!!

Renita Atcha